Sunday, 11 August 2019

Bwambale Mitusera: Peoples Voice

children comfortably at one trash dump sight

There is nothing more painful than the bitterness of living alone! Today there are many people especially some children in some African countries like Congo, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda who have been left alone due to conflicts and war. Some political instability is mainly caused by some African leaders and labels who want to have a big share of the national cake. Their selfish ambition has caused a lot of suffering such as displaced people and some result into death! Those who suffer most are the children and mothers.

Painfully and sadly, some of these children end up on streets where life become more difficult as they lack even the basic necessities of life like food ,water, shelter, education etc. Young girls are sometimes raped while boys are kidnapped and taken to do the rebel activities where they experience a lot of suffering and this makes them wonder whether they are born to suffer .some young girls who were raped start giving birth at an early age and in many cases, they don’t even know the fathers of their children. As a result they dump innocent babies in pit latrines and in other places so as to get rid of them.

Therefore I call upon everybody especially leaders of our time, to do whatever is necessary to stop the suffering of innocent people especially children.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013



 After 20 years outside of the daily hourly comfort of my Mother's warm and embracing Chest, I have discovered more Mothers - Mothers who have 'breastfed' me as real Mothers. Without my Father's counsel and outside of his presence, I have been fathered, taught, protected, and defended. In memory of my Grand-Father's and Grand-Mothers' theoretical and highly intelligent counsel and lessons I have met Men and Women willing and eager to stand in their feet. I have met Aunties and Uncles and More. Away from my loving Sisters I have found loving and caring Sisters. Without my lovely and encouraging Brothers I have found Rock-like Brothers.

 I have, thus, lived with and found a Humanity that has made everything possible for me beyond expectation of a person whose life rotates around one's siblings, relatives, close friends, and acquaintances. I have found, and live with, a loving Human Family. This is the Greatest of All Existential Families on this Planet. I NOW LOVE ALL HUMAN BEINGS more than anyone ever did - or so I am confident enough to claim for I know not how much others do. As you read this, feel and receive my Love. Share it. Pass it On. Enjoy it. I LOVE YOU ALL. This is a Personal Declaration of Everlasting LOVE to all Humanity - to all members of the Human Family.
 After 30 Days of deep reflection, inner self-conversation, historical self-evaluation and self-rediscovery, I have discovered 3 (three) important Laws of Nature: 1) The Law of Shared Human Destiny; 2) The Law of Universal Love; and 3) The Law of Continuity. I will not go into the details of these BWAMBALE MITUSERIST Natural Laws. Perhaps, this is the beginning of my discoveries and further and deeper and wider entry into the universe of Natural Laws and Love-producing and life-enhancing existences. 

 Yet, I must stress that by these discoveries I am made to DECLARE - though I previously held, consciously or unconsciously, no non-love feelings to any human person - this Everlasting Love. Inyobosi Nga Banzire Kutsubu!  Inyweena nimbagondeza kimu! Nyote Ninawapenda saana. Mweena nimbakundira kimwe! Moi l’amour el tai tous I Love You All - so much. Whether we have met or not; will ever meet or not; you will hear, read or know of this or not - As long as you are Human: Receive My Love.
 No more indifference, indecision, and decision over whether I Love You or Not. No more neutral or negative feelings about any human being. I have expanded my Love Box and made it as elastic as God will expand the Human Family. In my elastic Love-Box, now, fits all human beings and will fit all that will be born. Of-course I do love non-human creatures, generally in the whole Universe, but I am unable, as of now, to declare love to extra-universe existences. So, being the most important 'components' of this Universe, Human Beings should the most Loved and for whom and to whom this LOVE DECLARATION is made. With their assistance, I should be able to discover what non-human existences require my Love beyond this our Universe, and whether other existences in this universe require any separate declaration of Love beyond this which I have made for Humanity. 

Perhaps my limitation - if ever there is any, in my belief that Everlasting Love to Humanity extends to all existences in this universe through the Laws of Universal Love and of Continuity - may be helped by Brothers and Sisters in this our Human Family. Perhaps this is no limitation at all but the epitome of Universal Love. There is no more "whence?" and "whither?" in my Love Life: it is from Human Beings - People - to Human Beings - People. 

I Love You All.

Bwambale Mitusera

E-society Resource Centre